I know how it feels
You know what you need to do, but for some reason you're just not doing it!
Now, after years of trying to figure it out on your own, it's time for you to break free from the cycle. It's not your fault.
We have lived through unprecedented times, and the past few years have been difficult. You might be left feeling stuck, or uneasy, we can all have a tendency to feel this way from time to time, but it's time to start living your life to it's full potential.
In this SMASH program I'll give you the steps you need to do to move forward and finally create the life that you've been waiting for. Free from anxiety, stress and worry.
If you want to get rid of feeling stuck and uneasy, this is for YOU! You will get all the guidance, support, direction and clarity you need.
IT'S TIME TO STOP trying to spin all those plates, TO STOP
Overthinking, TO STOP putting your dreams off.
It is time for you to get what you want, what you really want!
Because you deserve this, because, you are worth it and because you are enough.
Now is the time, Now is YOUR time!
Having dreams alone will not get them done, you need your goals to align with your soul, you need to take action, have the habits and daily discipline for success and this is what I can help you with. You know deep down inside you, you have this, there is something bigger for you, and deep down you know this is true.
"This is all possible when you stop trying to do all the things under the sun"...
WHAT IF... You could finally stop wasting your precious time...
What if you can release the resistance...
What if you can get to the root cause of your issues...
What if you can do this rapidly...
What if you didn't have to struggle alone...
What if you got the support, guidance and motivation...
What if you didn't have to spend years in therapy...
What would it feel like to be free from anxiety?
What would it feel like to be more confident?
This is a motivating experience, you will be inspired to take action and make steps to better your life.
Being empowered fosters self-confidence, unlocks potential, and inspires others to pursue their dreams fearlessly.
You get to be part of an amazing community. with people who are driven and motivated to get more out of life, just like you!
We can get to the root cause of your issues and release your limiting beliefs for once and for all
"If you knew how to solve your limiting beliefs you would not be carrying them around within you still"
Why? Because the subconscious mind holds the secrets to what is really going on. The subconscious mind is in control 95% of the time.
This is why hypnosis is so effective, because we get to the root cause and the only way to do this is with the subconscious mind. We need to get the dream state going again to get what you want.
You want a breakthrough, do it! You can SMASH IT!
I'm on a mission to help people
like you...
I love helping people like you get out of your own way, to eradicate your limiting beliefs, to get to that root cause of your issues and support you to find freedom, freedom from anxiety, worry, stress and feeling uneasy.
There is nothing I love more than seeing my clients succeed in life & business.
This coaching program is for elevating your whole life. Give yourself permission to tap into excellence with more confidence.
☑️ YOU WANT TO... Feel free from feeling lost, stuck, or uneasy where your life is at.
☑️ YOU'RE TIRED OF... Feeling tired, lack of energy, feeling overwhelmed, discouraged and tired of surviving and not thriving.
☑️ YOU DREAM OF... a more fulfilling life, wanting to feel more confident, clear and excited about your future.
☑️ YOU ARE READY TO... Take action and learn new skills to create a better life.
You are NOT meant to walk this path alone...
I have a goal of moving you from great towards excellence, you aren't great unless you are doing something to make your life great.
I want your life to energise you, I want you to feel fulfilled, because this is what you deserve and what you are capable of.
This will give you the exact step-by-step roadmap for success without COMPROMISE!
STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO COACHING... You get my full SMASH program for success, including many areas of life such as money, mindset and getting over anxiety which is getting in your way.
LIVE Q&A SESSIONS... I will be going live in the VIP Facebook group just for you guys for any questions you may have.
PRINTABLE EBOOK AND RESULTS JOURNALS... Your results journals will help you stay on track and has reflective activities and tools specifically designed to support you.
PRIVATE VIP FACEBOOK SUPPORT GROUP... This group is only for clients in my SMASH program. Here you will have a supportive community with extra tools & freebies.
Here's an insiders look at what you will learn...
Introduction | Strategy & First aid tips for anxiety | Money Mastery for a richer life |
Anxiety, relationships & connections including social anxiety | Successful strategies to overcome anxiety that stand in the way of your business success | Harness more confidence NOW! |
PLUS... You'll also get access to....
JUST Imagine what it will feel like when...
➕ You operate in excellence whilst having fun.
➕ You find peace, happiness and fulfilment.
➕ You are confident and unstoppable, with a strong sense of self worth.
➕ Nothing stands in your way, including yourself.
➕ YOU start winning and take inspired action to get the life you deserve.
Sounds amazing?
What's included one more time...
Let's do this!
➕ Live Hypnosis Event: Freedom from anxiety, and becoming more confident
➕ Printable Results Journals
➕ Private VIP Facebook Group
That's right! Everything you need to finally get the thing you want!
KIND Words..
So if you're ready to finally...
Take the plunge!...
If you're ready for heart, soul and mind shifts so that you dramatically shift your relationship with money. If you want to get a deeper insight into the hidden psychological and emotional reasons it isn't happening (yet). If you are read to trigger BIG and quick TRANSFORMATION in your energy and how you show up in your business.
Ready to gain unshakable confidence, get over the social anxiety and get out of your own way so you can be successful in business and life.
We have been conditioned to think 'that people can't change' or 'transformation is hard' or a long drawn out process, which can cost thousands in therapy. and the truth is, none of this is true. If you don't believe me this is your invitation for your TRANSFORMATION.
It is for you if you want a quick shift to get back on track.
You have access to all the SMASH coaching modules, access to the VIP group and a setting up for success bonus meditation.
THE 1-2-1 PROGRAM is for you if you want a personalised and bespoke experience to go deeper and you want me as your coach in your pocket.
YOU GET... All the benefits from group hypnosis, the event, the SMASH coaching course, VIP group, bonus meditation and your own 1-2-1 support.
☑️ Initial consultation to discuss your current concerns.
☑️ Personal RTT hypnosis session.
☑️ Lifetime access to your own bespoke recording.
☑️ Ebook formula for getting over anxiety that gets in the way of your business success.
☑️ 3 x 121 Business Strategy Coaching Sessions
☑️ 6 x Masterclasses
☑️ 6 x Ask Me Anything Sessions
☑️ 6 Coaching Practice Labs
☑️ Certificate in Coaching
☑️ Business Builder Hub
☑️ Coaching, e-book, templates and sales script
☑️ PLUS the 121 SMASH programs is also included.
That's right! Literally everything you need to finally get the business you deserve!
Sounds AMAZING! Is this right for me?This bootcamp is for anyone wanting more out of life and business.
Do I need any fancy equipment?No, nothing fancy, everything is accessible on a laptop, tablet or smart phone.
Is there a Facebook support group?Yes, there is a designated interactive Facebook group of likeminded people who will celebrate your wins with you.
What days and time are the live Q&A calls?Times will vary, lives are usually 7pm UK time for consistency. But if you can't make a call you can always watch it on catchup.
How long will this take?You can take as long as you like to go through the coaching units, as you have lifetime access.
Is there a money back guarantee?For the £295 package there is a full 30 day money back guarantee as I'm so confident that you will feel better from this experience, and this will give you the kick up the ass that you may need.